5.9 Is it possible to display each DS screen in separate windows?.5.8 Does DeSmuME support full-screen mode?.5.7 How can I make the DS screens better fill my widescreen monitor?.5.6 What do the three numbers or the percentage in the FPS display mean?.5.5 Can I force DeSmuME to "detect" an arbitrary number of CPUs?.5.4 Does DeSmuME make use of multiple CPUs or multiple CPU cores?.5.3 There are several different DeSmuME executables available.5.2 What are the recommended hardware requirements for DeSmuME?.5.1 What are the minimum hardware requirements for DeSmuME?.

4.6 Why doesn't OpenGL 3D work in windows?.4.5 Why doesn't OpenGL 3D work in Linux?.4.3 Why does my touch screen not work? Oh yes you did read my mind, I was using external firmware.4.2 My DeSmuME window disappeared! / I can hear sound and it is in the taskbar but I can't see the window!.4.1 Every time I run the program my settings are gone! I have to keep entering them over and over!.3.5 Can I convert a save file from ideas or no$gba nocash or my flash cart to DeSmuME.3.4 Can I use my save states across versions?.Turn off the power and reinsert the DS card." 3.3 Why does this game fail to save? / I get the error "Data could not be accessed.3.2 My saved games are gone when I upgraded!.3.1 Every time I run DeSmuME, my save files are gone and I have to start over.2.8 What is the turbo button / speed up button / magic fast-forward button?.